Run a Testnet Node

Hardware Requirements

The minimum and recommended requirements to run a Testnet Persistence Node increase as it produces more blocks and more features are added. Thus, there are no exact hardware requirements that are permanently sufficient. A testnet node should always have redundant resources available.

  • Recommended:

    • 8 GB RAM

    • 100 GB SSD

    • 4 CPU

  • Operating System:

    • Recommended: Linux(x86_64)

    • Others: Windows/MacOS(x86)


To successfully run a Persistence Testnet Node, we need to install a few prerequirements. Because running the Persistence software depends on them, prerequirements are also known as dependencies.

We need to install and/or setup 5 dependencies - Go, jq, gcc, make, and git.

Install Go


  1. Remove any previous installation:

    rm -rf /usr/local/go
  2. Add the Go PPA to Your System:

    First, add the longsleep/golang-backports PPA to your system. This repository contains the latest version of Go. You can add it by running the following command in your terminal:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:longsleep/golang-backports
  3. Update Your Package List:

    After adding the PPA, update your package list to include the latest packages available in the repository:

    sudo apt update
  4. Install Go:

    Now, install Go using the apt package manager. This command will install the latest version of Go available in the PPA:

    sudo apt install golang-go
  5. Set Up Your Go Environment: After installation, set up your Go workspace and add Go binaries to your PATH. You can do this by adding the following lines to your ~/.profile file:

    echo "" >> ~/.profile
    echo "export GOPATH=$HOME/go" >> ~/.profile
    echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin" >> ~/.profile
    source ~/.profile
  6. Verify the Installation:

    Finally, verify that Go has been installed correctly by checking its version. You should see the latest version of Go as the output:

    go version


  1. Install Homebrew (if not already installed): If you don't have Homebrew on your macOS, you need to install it first. Visit the Homebrew website for installation instructions.

  2. Install Go using Homebrew: Open a terminal and run the following command:

    brew install go
  3. To ensure Go is installed correctly, check its version. In the terminal, type:

    go version

Install jq, git, gcc, and make

  1. Install:

    • Ubuntu: apt install jq git gcc make

    • macOS: brew install jq git gcc make

  2. Verify Installations:

    • Verify jq: jq --version (sample output: jq-1.6)

    • Verify gcc : gcc --version (sample output: gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1) 9.4.0)

    • Verify make: make --version (sample output: GNU Make 4.2.1)

    • Verify git: git --version (sample output: git version 2.25.1)

Installation Steps

Install the persistenceCore Binary

Note The latest version available in the releases page might not be the one running on the test-core-2 chain. To ensure you're running the correct version, join the Discord Testnet Validator Announcements Channel.

  1. Clone the persistenceCore repository:

    git clone $GOPATH/source/persistenceCore && cd $GOPATH/source/persistenceCore
  2. Check what version is running on the test-core-2 chain by visiting the Discord Testnet Validators Announcements Channel.

  3. Switch to the branch of the latest version (v6.0.0-rc5 as of time of writing):

    git checkout v6.0.0-rc5
  4. Install the persistenceCore binary:

    make all
  5. Verify installation (sample output: v6.0.0-rc5):

    persistenceCore version

Create or Import Key (XPRT Address)

  • Create key (ensure you safely store the mnemonic seed phrase):

    persistenceCore keys add <KEY_NAME>
  • Recover key (you'll be required to input your mnemonic seed phrase):

    persistenceCore keys add <KEY_NAME> --recover
  • Verify the key was created successfully:

    persistenceCore keys list

Create and Sync the Node

  1. Initialize the node (moniker = node name):

    persistenceCore init <MONIKER> --chain-id="test-core-2" # e.g. persistenceCore init "Persistence Node" --chain-id="test-core-2"
  2. Download the test-core-2 genesis file:

    wget -O genesis.json
  3. Use StateSync to sync with the rest of the nodes. Follow the step-by-step guide below:

    • Run the following command and copy the values of trust_height and trust_hash. They are required in the next steps.

      curl -s | jq '.result .sync_info | {trust_height: .latest_block_height, trust_hash: .latest_block_hash} | values'
    • Open config:

      nano ~/.persistenceCore/config/config.toml
    • Replace the existing settings in the opened file with the following:

      seeds = ""
      persistent_peers = "14ecdc5126ea8d93c7d3a863d9d38e380e46fc06@"
      enable = true
      rpc_servers = ","
      trust_height = XXXXXXX # Replace with the value copied in the previous step
      trust_hash = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" # Replace with the value copied in the previous step
      trust_period = "112h0m0s"
    • Make sure you replace trust_height and trust_hash values with the ones you've copied in the previous step.

    Note: For an automated script for StateSync, follow the instructions on this link. Refer to peers here: peers.json . For additional helpful values like seeds, refer here: polkachu .

  4. Open the app.toml file (application-related configuration file):

    nano ~/.persistenceCore/config/app.toml
  5. Change minimum-gas-prices to minimum-gas-prices = "0.005uxprt"

  6. Start the node:

    persistenceCore start
  7. Because we used StateSync to sync with the other nodes, it shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to complete. In the meantime, a lot of output messages will pop one after another.

  8. When the node is completely synced, you should observe a similar output:

    11:28PM INF received complete proposal block hash=AE7196316065BC778E2BA5AFD1626C06CA2113B4F67DB2F4052B98700FD4B982 height=9305912 module=consensus
    11:28PM INF finalizing commit of block hash={} height=9305912 module=consensus num_txs=0 root=7B6B6A7C6D2CC68F266086794995E52F321B69FCA9530220093C47EC383278D0
    11:28PM INF minted coins from module account amount=8173386uxprt from=mint module=x/bank
    11:28PM INF executed block height=9305912 module=state num_invalid_txs=0 num_valid_txs=0
    11:28PM INF commit synced commit=436F6D6D697449447B5B3235312031313220323236203434203735203139322031362036312031373620373020323138203130332031383220313233203134302032332031353620313032203133392033342031393020323220343920313230203137322038203130372032313720313835203135322038332036345D3A3844464633387D
    11:28PM INF committed state app_hash=FB70E22C4BC0103DB046DA67B67B8C179C668B22BE163178AC086BD9B9985340 height=9305912 module=state num_txs=0
    11:28PM INF indexed block exents height=9305912 module=txindex

    Alternatively, you can use the following command (response must be false):

    curl http://localhost:26657/status | jq -r ".result.sync_info.catching_up"

Node operations

Upgrade the Node's Software

Last updated

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