Leap Wallet supports both the coin-types (i.e 118 & 750) wallet addresses.
Coin-type Name on Leap Wallet
Persistence (New)
Persistence (Old)
Screenshot of both the coin-types in leap wallet.
Note: Migration is only required if you are using 750 Coin-type wallet address.
1. Manual Migration
Manually transfer funds from old coin-type [Persistence (old)] to new coin-type [Persistence (New)].
In Leap Wallet:
Copy the new/118 coin-type wallet persistence address
Go to old/750 coin-type wallet persistence address
Press "Send" and paste the new/118 coin-type wallet address. Select the full amount and hit "Send".
Note: If you have multiple tokens in 750 coin-type wallet persistence address, you will have to repeat this step individually for all tokens.
Do you have staked $XPRT in your wallet address?
Immediate solution: Unbond your XPRT and migrate to the newly created coin-type 118 wallet address. (21 days unbonding period)
Suggested Migration: After the Implementation of the Liquid Staking Module by Iqlusion on Persistence Core-1 Chain (Timeline not yet confirmed), the stake can be directly transferred to the new coin-type 118 wallet address without unbonding.