IBC Relayers

Huge shout-out to our reliable IBC-Relayer operators!

To be reviewed and updated

We encourage everyone to follow and support our IBC-relayer operators


🔒 Delegate to AUDIT.One on CosmosHub, Osmosis, Juno

🔒 Delegate to Cephalopod Equipment Corp on: Osmosis, Cosmos Hub, Regen, Ixo, Juno, Cheqd, Akash, Agoric

🔒 Delegate to Cros-Nest on: Osmosis, Cosmos Hub, Juno, e-money, Crypto.org, Evmos, Fetch.ai, Cronos, Persistence, Comdex, Lum, Chihuahua, Dig, Gravity Bridge, Kava, Ki, Konstellation, Rizon, OmniFlix, Cerberus, Provenance

🔒 Delegate to CryptoCrew Validators on: Osmosis, Cosmos Hub, Terra, Juno, Band Protocol, Stargaze, OmniFlix, Evmos, Gravity Bridge, Comdex, Chihuahua, e-Money, Lum, Bitsong, Vidulum, Dig, Odin 🙏 Donations accepted @ osmo15md2qvgma8lnvqv67w0umu2paqkqkheg332u7d

🔒 Delegate to DSRV Validators on: Osmosis, Cosmos Hub, Persistence, Axelar, Agoric, Injective, Shetu, Crescent, Provenance, Tgrade, Terra, Stargaze, Chihuahua, Umee, Assetmantle

🔒 Delegate to Architect Nodes on Persistence, Juno, EVMOS, Bitsong, Comdex, Fetch.AI, Gravity Bridge, Stride




Smart Stake


🔒 Delegate to Imperator.co on: Osmosis, Cosmos Hub, Juno, Axelar, Sommelier, Stargaze, Ki, Lum, Comdex, Persistence, Likecoin, Sentinel, Iris, Akash, Medibloc, e-Money, Ixo, Bitsong, Vidulum, Rizon, BitCanna, Sifchain, Konstellation, Odin, OmniFlix, Commercio, Certik

Support us by delegating with us in any of the +35 blockchains that we support :)


Note Operators are requested to maintain this information themselves

This page is inspired by this template from docs.osmosis.zone

Last updated