Persistence JS
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PersistenceClient consists of a signingStargateClient
and a SigningCowsmWasmClient
, referred to as core and wasm respectively.
For querying use PersistenceClient.query, this gives you a tmclient
. Usage for a tmclient for querying is based on cosmos-sdk
i.e. query path is taken from module locations.
Send Tokens Use persistenceClient.wasm to send contracts via CW20 contract, persistenceClient.wasm is a SigningWasmClient so most of the functionalities are similar to @cosmjs/cosmwasm-stargate. The Signer for this example is a mnemonic wallet.
Query Balance
Please refer to cowmwasm for more information on how to use CosmWasm.
MsgSend A more flexible way to send transaction is by creating a Msg and brodcasting it. This is the preferd way for building large scale applications with multiple components.
This method gives a lot more flexibility for an application, additional use case can be found in the helpers.
This script lets you upload and initiate a contract via Gov proposals.
NOTE: It is the default method for uploading your own contract to the persistence chain.