Uploading a Contract

These are the steps to upload and instantiate a contract

  • Submit the upload proposal

  • Wait for it to pass

  • Submit proposal for instantiating the contract

  • Wait for the proposal to pass

  • The contract is now instantiated and ready to be interacted with.

See the list of codes that was uploaded previously.

persistenceCore query wasm list-code

To upload the contract via proposal

persistenceCore tx gov submit-proposal wasm-store "<path/to/the/compiled/wasm>" \
  --title "title" \
  --description "description" \
  --deposit 10000uxprt \
  --run-as $KEY \
  --instantiate-nobody "true" \
  --keyring-backend test \
  --from $KEY --gas auto --fees 10000uxprt -y \
  --chain-id core-1 \
  -b block -o json --gas-adjustment 1.1
echo $RESP 

The $KEY can be any valid persistenceAddress. Make sure it has some tokens.

If the contract is uploaded successfully, i.e., the above proposal is passed, then the contract will be instantiated via another gov-proposal

Get the $CODE_ID from wasm list-code after the proposal passes and proceed towards instantiation

persistenceCore tx gov submit-proposal instantiate-contract $CODE_ID "$INIT" \
  --admin="$KEY" \
  --from $KEY \
  --deposit 10000uxprt \
  --label "label" \
  --title "title" \
  --description "description" \
  --gas-adjustment 1.1 \
  --fees "10000uxprt" \
  --gas "auto" \
  --run-as $KEY \
  -y --chain-id core-1 -b block -o json

The $KEY can be any valid persistenceAddress. Make sure it has some tokens.

The $INIT variable has to be in a json structure with all the variables needed for the contract example (init variable for the cw20 contract) :

INIT=$(cat <<EOF
  "name": "My first token",
  "symbol": "FRST",
  "decimals": 6,
  "initial_balances": [{
    "address": "$KEY",
    "amount": "123456789000"

After the proposal passes, the contract will be instantiated and can be interacted with!!

For more info check out the following link :

Last updated